Discovering True Self for Absolute Happiness

AI-SMART Framework is about avoiding behaviors that produce suffering, sorrows and pain, and embracing those that lead to states of long lasting happiness.\”



              Science dominated modern world living without moral or spiritual values will be eventually destructive for Society and Spirituality without science will lead to superstition.

    Absolute or stable happiness is only possible with perfect blend of science based modern living and moral or spiritual values, based on this principle being “SMART” framework is designed. Lack of “SMART\” leads to unhappiness, dissatisfaction, stress, fear in life

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Ultimate goal of life is to get out of sorrows, pain, sufferings and achieve maximum quantity and quality of happiness with journey of increasing quantity and quality of Happiness while achieving inner peace and external targets.


Types of Happiness


1. Illusion of Happiness or momentary pleasure

  •      This is the pleasure derived from narcotics, alcohol, cigarettes, meat products, violence, sleep, etc. one who is devoid of discrimination 
  •       That action is declared to be in the mode of ignorance, which is begun out of delusion, without thought to one’s own ability, and disregarding consequences, loss, and injury to others. 
  •       The intellects is covered by the fog of ignorance. They are oblivious to or unconcerned with what
    is right and what is wrong, and are only interested in themselves and their self-interest.  
  •       They pay no heed to money or resources at hand, or even to the hardships incurred by others. Such work brings harm to them and to others. 
  •       There action causes decay of one’s health and vitality. It is a waste of effort, a waste of time, and a waste of
    resources. Typical examples of this are gambling, stealing, corruption, drinking, etc.

2. Low Quality pleasure with dissatisfaction

        This is the pleasure from the gratification of the five senses and the mind. Excessively attached to action and its results is un-satisfaction.

·       These workers are deeply ambitious for       materialistic enhancement.

·       They do not realize that everything here is temporary and will have to be left behind one day.

·       Agitated with immoderate rāg (desires of the mind and senses), they do not possess the purity of intention.

·       They are convinced that the pleasure they seek is available in the things of the world.

·       They never satisfied by what comes their way, they are greedy for more. When they see others succeeding or enjoying more than them, they become envious.

·       To fulfill their ends, they sometimes sacrifice morality, and hence become impure.

·       When their desires are fulfilled they become elated, and when they are daunted(shrink) they get dejected.

·       In this way, their lives become a mixture of delights and sorrows.


3. Moderate Quality Happiness

·       This is the pleasure experienced through practicing virtues, such as compassion, service to others, cultivation of knowledge, stilling of the mind, Austerity, Contentment, yam-niyam/dharma/ universal values etc. It includes the bliss of self-realization experienced ,when they stabilize the mind upon the soul. One who is non-attached

·               The performer is said to be in the mode of goodness, when he or she is free from egotism and attachment, endowed with enthusiasm and determination, and equipoised in success and failure. .

·    They do not try to cling to things in worldly attachment, nor do they believe that worldly things can bestow satisfaction to the soul. Hence, they work with noble motives.

·       And since their intentions are pure, they are filled with zeal and strong resolve in their endeavors. Their mental attitude results in the least dissipation of energies while working. Thus, they are able to work tirelessly to fulfill their sublime motives.

·       Though they may accomplish great things, they are free from egotism, and they give all credit for their successes to God.

4. Bliss: Maximum Quantity and Quality

     Individual lives with Divine attributes like Equanimity, sinless, absence of attachment and aversion, flawless, purity, Wisdom, Contend, Complete freedom, fearless, salvation state…etc. This is freedom in actions with respect to React free, Sin free, Attachment-Aversion free, flaws free and becoming pure in actions. 


Absolute Happiness includes:

Prosperity is not true source of happiness, prosperity only leads to momentary pleasure with dark future, happiness is not the result of bouncing from one joy to the next. It is not temporary pleasure, of-course lack of survival needs leads to unhappiness. Below are the core pillars of stable happiness.




         Fulfillment is a mindset, and happiness is found when one can reflect and find contentment, which means accepting and appreciating what we have and what we are already, and moving forward from there. 

     It is easy for the mind to become fooled into thinking that we can attain lasting happiness through the possession of objects and goods,Personal experience and the teachings of the sages prove that the happiness gained through materialism is only temporary.

      Contentment  doesn\’t mean idly sitting back and relinquishing the need to do anything. Practicing contentment frees us from the unnecessary suffering of always wanting something. 




Ultimate aim of human being is freedom from bondage. Ignorance is the root cause of our bondage and suffering. So, to attain the liberation from suffering, true knowledge of the real nature of the world and the self is essential.

    Individual is free to enjoy freedom of action for the individual well being. One should regard oneself under restriction to follow the rules of society calculated to promote the well being of all.

Freedom from Ultimate Pain and Suffering

  1. Adhyatmika – Intrinsic cause, disorder of body and mind.
  2.  Adhibhutika – Extrinsic cause, men, beast,  birds or inanimate objects.
  3. Adhidevika-  Supernatural cause, atmosphere or planets.





       It is the state of freedom from concern for present and future miseries. Inordinate attachment of any kind causes fear. Attachment to wealth leads to dread of impoverishment, attachment to social prestige causes fear of infamy, attachment to vice leads to anxiety about the consequences of sin, attachment to bodily comfort causes the fear of ill-health, and so on.

Any actions with attachment or hatred should be replaced with responsibility and love, which will vanquish all the fear from the heart.

   The root of fear are impurities of mind. Discovering TrueSelf  purifies the mind and vanishes our attachment and fear. Lack of fear establishes control over the mind and helps in maintaining calm and peace. So, one can quickly gain control over the situation with happy response.




                  Doing what’s right, not what’s easy!. Consciously watch your thoughts, concentrate and create positive (pure) thoughts. Integrity is the proven result of a positive purpose, a positive intent, and a positive action. If there’s no positive result, there’s no Integrity. Every action or task needs to be done as mind is under surveillance of TRUESELF and ultimately super conscious.


Overall Life is about Achieving:


Ultimate Goal

  • Ultimate Happiness, Moksha/God’s bliss
  • Freedom from Ultimate Pain and Suffering

    -Adhyatmika – intrinsic cause, disorder of body and mind.

  -Adhibhutika – Extrinsic cause, men, beast,  birds or inanimate objects.

-Adhidevika-  Supernatural cause, atmosphere or planets.

Ultimate Goal goal is to live with Detachment and performing all tasks with Responsibility & Love

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Goal: True Knowledge

  • Developing lifeskills (Acquiring True knowledge and destroying false knowledge) in order to respond the situation instead of reacting.

  • A Person who is HAPPY is not because  Everything is   RIGHT in his Life.. He is HAPPY because his Attitude (response) towards  Everything in his Life is Right.

  • Practicing Gratitude (thankfulness) for what we have and give the best for what we need without attachment to results.

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Human beings differ from each other in their natures, motivations, activities, professions, aspirations, and sanskārs (tendencies carried forward from past). Targets (sacrifices) can take on hundreds of forms, but when they are inclined to Goals (developing Life skills, acquiring true knowledge and removing false knowledge) they become means of purification of the mind and senses and elevation of the soul.

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Let\’s Discover



Five Sense Organs 

– Hearing- Sensation- Vision- Taste- Smell

Five Action Organs 

– Speaking- Grasping- Walking– Excreting Procreating

Mind Domain 



Quality of Mind

Balance in Q\’s is most important for Absolute happiness

Intelligence Quotient (IQ)

Indicates a person’s intelligence level.

  • Reasoning or logical ability
  • IQ measures a person’s academic competency and reasoning ability.
  • Aims at assessing a person’s personal capacity of thinking and reasoning
  • Only IQ leads to conditional and temporary happiness.

Emotional Quotient (EQ)

Emotional Intelligence is a moderator of a relationship between conscientiousness and performance.

  • Knowing your emotions
  • Managing your own emotions
  • Motivating yourself
  • Recognizing and understanding other people’s emotions
  • Managing relationships i.e. managing emotions of others
  • Demarcates between different feelings and uses this intelligence to guide thinking and behaviour.

Moral Quotient (MQ

MQ is the ability to know when one is or is not acting morally, moral intelligence means knowing how to lead with these traits. It basically refers to the fact that whether the person is being beneficial for the society or not. A person with high MQ will be helpful to others and there is no harm from that person. Thus, along with IQ and EQ, MQ is also essential..Moral restraints are:

  • Non-violence or freedom from ill will
  • Truth
  • Non-Stealing
  • Control on Senses
  • non-possessiveness


Moral Rules are:

  • Purity of Body and Mind
  • Contentment
  • High tolerance and Austerity
  • Self Learning
  • Devotion to God

Spiritual Quotient (SQ)

It is one step ahead of MQ. It is the attitude of a person to help others and to think of others’ betterment as well. 

  • Evenness of mind
  • Purity in every purpose
  • Moving from ignorance to True knowledge
  • Equanimity state of mind
  • All Karmas without attachment to results
  • Serenity of thoughts
  • Maximum acceptance Minimum expectations
  • Forgive and Forget
  • Develops the capacity for harmony with thoughts
  • Withdrawal of senses from their subjects
  • Concentration
  • Meditation
  • Absorption

Glimpse of Being SMART


1. Satisfaction and Serenity

        Serenity is a state of inner peace, whereas Satisfaction is the inner state where, \”exists a joyful and contented mind regardless of one\’s environment, whether one meets with pleasure or pain, profit or loss, fame or contempt, success or failure, sympathy or hatred.

   In case of an unfavorable situation, real Satisfaction and serenity is accepting the same. Welcome it as an instructive and constructive message, after that understand the opposite person, then detaching oneself and patiently seeking reform and change in one\’s environment.

As outward expression, satisfaction is observed as \”serenity“ (shanti), of being “totally satisfied and not desiring anything other than the basics\”. 


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2. Moral Values

        Studies and self realization support the claim that people who put moral values above non-moral concerns are happier and more satisfied (self-fulfilled).

Moral values are those that benefits own self and others. They include non-violence (direct or indirect) , altruism (selfless concern for the well-being of others), compassion, tolerance, forgiveness, truthfulness …etc.

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3. Austerity and Acceptance

         The body-mind-senses are such that, if we pamper them, they become momentary pleasure-seeking without concern of longterm impact, but if we restrain them, they become disciplined. Thus, austerity is the voluntary acceptance of hardships for purifying the body, mind, and intellect, which increases focus on ones Goal. Acceptance is first step towards acknowledging and facing unfavorable situation instead of running away.  A person should live with maximum Acceptance and minimum expectation.

By Hard work and discipline, a person reaches purity, through goodness (purity) he takes control of the mind. Through the mind he reaches the TRUESELF, reaching the self he comes to rest.

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4. Responsibility with Love

      Happiness increases when an individual takes the responsibility of fixing one\’s own faults instead of making others responsible for his unhappiness. Once it is internally accepted with responsibility that my unhappiness will be eradicated with act  of change in me, he/she gives proper response to every unfavorable situation and converts them into favorable situations.

     Attachment and feelings of hatred are the  root cause of fear, pain, suffering, stress, unhappiness …etc. One can overcome all sufferings and become fearless once attachment and hatred are replaced with responsibility and love.

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5. Tolerance

      Tolerance means keeping the mind calm and stable in all favorable or unfavorable situations with clear acceptance of one\’s own inner peace development instead of doing favor to anybody. People with less tolerance are more prone to unhappiness as they are always in complaining mode.

      Many people misunderstand tolerance as compromise or cowardliness and always feel sad internally because there is no  real assessment and acceptance of situation and they keep accumulating, which is dangerous. Instead of compromising or reacting to the situation, tolerance is happy adjustment, which means proper response without loosing calmness or stability of mind

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Habits which increases Happiness




Process of removing bad habits (Bugs)
